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NPG800R / NPG800RE - Digital generator protection

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NPG800R / NPG800RE - Digital generator protection

Multi-Function Protection

NPG800R and NPG800RE ensure the protection of synchronous generators connected to three-phase networks and driven by machines of all types: steam turbine, hydraulic or gas, diesel engines or gas engines. Their many protection functions and measurement possibilities destine them for generator sets varying from a few hundred kVA to several dozen MVA.

These functions associated with an R type modular unit, thus allow the NPG800R and NPG800RE to be used for quick replacement, by equivalence of function, of the relays in the CEE relays of the series 7000 (mechanical interchangeability.

Product family: 
Renovation of 700 & 7000 Series Relays
ANSI code : 
21 - Distance relay
24 - Overfluxing
27 - Undervoltage
32P - Maximum of active power
32Q - Maximum of reactive power
32R - Reverse active power
37P - Loss of load (pump unpriming) / Underpower
37Q - Underpower reactive relay
40 - Field failure
46 - Reversal, loss of phase or unbalance phase
49 - Thermal overload
50 - Instantaneous overcurrent
50V - Instantaneous overcurrent with voltage control
51 - Overcurrent
51V - Maximum overcurrent with voltage control
59 - Overvoltage
59N - Maximum of zero sequence voltage
64 - Sensitive earth fault
74TC - Trip circuit supervision of the breaker
81 - Over and/or under frequency
86 - Latching of the output contacts
BF - Breaker failure

NPG800R - NPG800RE

NP800 - NP800R RANGE


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