The optimisation of the Management of HVB /HVA source stations is today one of the priority objectives for managers of electricity distribution networks.
In order to achieve this, ICE has been designing and manufacturing equipment for the protection and monitoring-control of Enedis source stations for more than 60 years. This allows you to ensure the sustainability of equipment in operation, while making it possible to propose custom solutions for future developments.
ICE is present on all generations of monitoring/control, both protections and automatic control.
Following the emergence of new needs, directly related among other things to the deployment of decentralised production and the smart grid, functional developments have been added to the PCCN V1 to form the PCCN v2.
In order to meet the requirements of the overall offers required in the context of the procurement of Enedis supply and work, ICE has extended, within a grouping with Actia Sodielec and Itron, the same partnerships for PCCN V2 as those originally created for PCCN V1. Experience has proved that these complementarities were the most suitable to ensure the best security of operation.
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ICE SAS is built around strong values shared by all giving meaning to our actions for more than 75 years.