The relays of the ITG7xx5 and ITG7xx6 range are a series of electronic relays characterised by wide ranges of thresholds and timer settings.
These relays constitute a very complete range of overcurrent definite time protection, inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse or weakly inverse against polyphase faults and/or to the earth with high threshold (ITG 7xx6) or without high threshold (7xx5).
Products available: ITG7013 / ITG7105 / ITG7113 / ITGS7113 / ITG7114 / ITGS7114 / ITG7116 / ITG7118 / ITG7123 / ITG7166 / ITG7172 / ITG7196 / ITG7216 / ITG7266 / ITG7296 / ITG7305 / ITG7316 / ITG7366 / ITG7396 / ITG7416 / ITG7466 / ITG7496
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